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​D&T:Ben Craven

Rough Calculation

In the lecture, Ben Craven interacted with everyone in a practical way, brought the concept of ‘rough calculation’, and had a few discussions with each group. He then offered four questions and every two groups made the calculation of the same question and then made comparisons. The four questions are:

1. Not my cup of tea

2. Wood you believe it

3. Miles per mug

4. Read all about it


I was divided into the second topic. The requirement is that there is no need to use a calculator during calculation, only ‘rough calculation’ can be applied. I marked some basic units and then started the process of rough calculation, which I think is a smart way because some large values can make the calculation become harder and more complex. After applying it, my result is close to the result shown by Ben.

 This lecture really broadens my view and I now know that rough calculation is of paramount significance to product design, especially in the earlier stage of designing the prototype. I need to focus on the macro-side of the product rather than every micro detail. It really gives me huge inspiration that I need to perform simple modelling at the beginning of the project to speed up the development of the whole project. And after the whole foundation of each project is determined, I can pay much attention to the details, which provides me with high efficiency.

rough calculation: About
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